We’re recruiting for cafe staff…

Hope has been here for people in Middlesbrough since 1995, providing opportunities for learning, access to technology, careers advice, volunteering opportunities and support.

Our aim is to reduce disadvantage, loneliness and isolation and help people recognise their potential – because they matter. With Hope’s help many local people have gained skills and qualifications, become volunteers, found employment and made friends.

You can also call us on 01642 232220 or email on info@hope-foundation.org.uk and we can email you an application pack or print one out.

We’re recruiting for Maths, English and ICT tutors…

Hope has been here for people in Middlesbrough since 1995, providing opportunities for learning, access to technology, careers advice, volunteering opportunities and support.

Our aim is to reduce disadvantage, loneliness and isolation and help people recognise their potential – because they matter. With Hope’s help many local people have gained skills and qualifications, become volunteers, found employment and made friends.

Bereavement Notification and Advice Service…

The Hope Foundation’s Ageing Better Wellbeing Team is working with Co-op Legal Services and Newcastle Building Society to offer support for bereaved family members.

Co-op bereavement services

2021 Photo Competition…

The competition

  • is free to enter
  • is open to Teesside residents only
  • is for the general public and amateur photographers only – no professionals please!
  • closes at midnight on Sunday 5th September


  • Must be made through https://form.jotform.com/212153368309353
  • Images cannot be more than 10MB
  • Must be your own photographs
  • Will be judged by Neil Bankhurst (Neil Bankhurst Photography) and Jo Booth (ABM), not Hope Foundation staff
  • May be used by the Hope Foundation for marketing or promotional purposes.

By entering the competition, you agree to The Hope Foundation using your photograph and your name and likeness for promotion and publicity.

There are no cash alternatives available for prize winners.

Winners will be announced on Monday 13th September


True Teesside: prize 5hrs photography training from Neil Bankhurst Photography (equivalent £200)

My Middlesbroughprize a printed canvas donated by ABM

Free fundraising: Turn your clutter into donations for Hope…

Fundraising just got easier! Thanks to a little thinking outside the box, you can now donate your unwanted books, games, CDs and DVDs to support our work through Virgin Money Giving.

Download the Ziffit app to #DeclutterAndDonate and choose to donate to The Hope Foundation Limited at the checkout. Or you can simply drop your items off at our reception.

If you have items you’d like to donate but can’t get them to us, please give Jeanette a call on 01642 232220.

Hope 2 Work is back on Tuesdays and Thursdays…

We’re back with an all new Careers area.

 Drop in to find out about hot jobs and our Careers Advisors and volunteers will help you with your applications.
There’s free internet access too….
 We were busy during the lockdown and have a new space and IT equipment ready for you…

A huge thank you to Martin at Mayfield Insurance Brokers for the kind donation that paid for our fabulous flooring!

Free level 2 courses…

The Hope Foundation has teamed up with the Skills Network to offer free, accredited level 2 courses in:

  • childcare
  • business
  • health and social care
  • retail
  • health and wellbeing
  • and personal development.

Gain access to exciting and flexible distance learning content and learn when and where you like.
Our courses are interactive and engaging, and will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to excel.

Visit the website to find out more…


Margaret had been involved with Ageing Better Middlesbrough for a few years, when the first lockdown hit. She had lost two friends to cancer and has problems with anti-social behaviour where she lives and her mental health was suffering.

She received befriending calls from Hope’s Wellbeing team. These were a lifeline for her as “ The calls helped me and kept me level, I don’t know what I would have done without them. When the lockdown eased a bit I met up with Linda for a coffee. I find it difficult to get up on a morning and get ready, meeting her gave me a purpose, something to do and to get to.”

Since then, Margaret has joined in with our picnics, coffee mornings, cookery sessions, drop-ins and visits to the seaside. Her mobility has suffered during the lockdown months but she is now getting out and is determined to keep going. She has also made a friend through group meetings. The Wellbeing Service has helped Margaret start getting out of the house after lockdown. Being with others has given her a new focus and has helped to improve her mental health.


Tony was referred to The Hope Foundation by Step Forward Tees Valley to work towards Functional Skills Maths Level 2.

He says, “I wanted to improve my skills and confidence to get back to working life! I had a full career and had worked all of my life – personal circumstances changed and I found life spiralling out of my control. Times were hard and often I had thought ‘what’s the point and felt worthless. I started learning whilst still experiencing personal difficulties. Then came COVID which really scuppered my plans.”

On the first day “I was really nervous and anxious – I spoke to Kim (careers adviser), before coming to the Hope Foundation, over the phone. Kim explained what to expect and what would happen at induction. All of the staff made me feel welcome – I have found the staff both kind and respectful and ready to listen and offer support. The Hope Foundation asked what help and support I needed and we agreed discussion with my tutor and to have breaks when I felt overwhelmed.

I only had a mobile phone so couldn’t access remote learning during the covid lockdowns. The Digital Library supported with a device and technical support; something that I could not afford and gave me a lifeline to learn and access services online. This was a great help as I could still access learning and other support services.
I had been told from my navigator that they The Hope Foundation had small classes and remote learning options but there is so much more to the place!

I am a different person to the man that stepped through the door on my first day! I looked forward to my classes and attending. Attending and learning at Hope gave me confidence to move forward.

I have achieved confidence and skills to move forward and now volunteer in a reception and caretaker role in a community venue.”

Sara R

Sara arrived in the UK from Iran in 2020. “In Iran I am a highly qualified and competent ITU nurse now a resident in the UK and eager to progress. I was extremely emotional and anxious as I had come from a position that I was recognised as being a leader in my field to now not be able to work due to my language barrier. I wanted to quickly learn the English Language and Maths to meet entry requirements for the NHS service as well as communicate in the Middlesbrough community.”

On the first day “I was really anxious of my inability to communicate effectively and speak the language – I remember being greeted at reception with a smile and someone with patience and the ability to communicate regardless of my language. I also met Kim the Careers Advisor on my first day and to be welcomed by such a warm personality and to ease my worries and give me reassurance is something I will not forget.

I believed in my plan from day 1 – Kim supported me to know the routeway back into medicine and, although I felt quite helpless at the time, the plan helped me to focus on goals of qualifications and volunteering until my language skills and abilities were such to pass the level of IELTS exam required.

Georgia, my tutor, encourages me and makes me believe in myself – all staff would take the time to speak with me and when I was down reassured me again.

My experience at The Hope Foundation has been a supported and positive one. The Hope Foundation staff – volunteers and class mates have made such a difference to my life. I look forward to my days of learning and feel hopeful and positive I can reach my goals in the not-so-distant future!”

Sara has achieved entry level Functional Skills qualifications in English and Maths. She is working towards level 1 English and has secured a voluntary role with the NHS at James Cook University Hospital

“I can now see my pathway back into medicine and believe that this is possible – I am travelling up the mountain instead of being at the bottom.”