Our NCFE assessor said

The Hope Foundation was awarded Direct Claims status for our Functional Skills English and Maths qualifications in May 2021.

Over both visits Hope was commended for the organisation of the visit and the quality of assessment.
Some areas of good practice highlighted by our assessor:

Assessors across the sample provide consistently accurate, constructive, developmental and specific feedback in
relation to the qualification specification.

Assessor feedback across the qualifications covered today allows the learner to understand what they have done
well and how what to focus on to further improve It clear from the practices seen today that the centre allocates sufficient time for the internal quality assurance of products covered in this EQA review (6.12).

IQA feedback is per cohort/assessment group and structured as general feedback, good practice, points for
development and actions. IQAs use examples from Assessor feedback to each learner to substantiate judgements and provide specific and constructive developmental feedback. This is good practice as it enables Assessors to learn from IQA feedback and provides the opportunity for IQAs to target individual and team CPS.

Minutes of meetings held since the last EQA review have been submitted for today that clearly demonstrate that
communication remains well planned, robust and effective.

CPD logs show good evidence of the training the team has undergone as a result of the January review.

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