furbdit donation to South Tees Paediatric Diabetes team
Dear Sue and Staff at The Hope Foundation,
I am writing to express our deepest thanks and gratitude for your king donation of refurbished lap tops. These will be of tremendous help to our families who did nat have the funds to purchase a lap top and will allow them to download the data from their child’s blood glucose meters and or insulin pumps.
This is important as it allows the team to review their data between clinic appointments and offer advice on insulin adjustment in a timely manner and will reduce the need for some families to have to come to hospital more often.
The benefit of virtual adjustment of insulin, in a timely manner, mean that any risk of a child developing life-long complications of diabetes are reduced as we can optimise their control and ensure they remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible. In addition it reduces the financial burden on the parents as visits to the hospital can not only be costly due to parking charges but also require working parents to take time out of work.
We have already distributed 10 of the lap tops and have identified families for the remainder and the response following your kind donation has been overwhelming with 6 of the farnilies downloading within 24 hours of receiving a lap top.
Can you please thank your supporters too (on our behalf) as I am sure they too would be happy to know that their support is very much appreciated.
Kind regards
Alison Murray
On behalf of the paediatric diabetes team
South Tees Hospitals.
Visit https://furbdit.org.uk/ to find out how to get involved.